CPC Order XI Rule 14

Article written by Advocate Alpa Jogi on CPC Order XI Rule 14

CPC Order XI Rule 14

Order XI Rule 14 of CPC states that

14. Production of documents - It shall be lawful for the court, at any time during the pendency of any suit, to Order the production by any party thereto, upon oath, of such of the documents in his possession or power, relating to any matter in question in such suit, as the court shall think right; and the court may deal with such documents, when produced, in such manner as shall appear just.

Order XI Rule 14 empowers the court to order the party against whom an application for production of the document is made to produce such documents in his possession or power. After such documents are produced before the court, then the court might look into them fairly and properly. This application can be dealt with by the Court and an order to the same effect can be passed at any time during the pendency of any suit.

It is pertinent to note that Discovery of Documents (Rule 12) is different from production of documents (Rule 14) in the manner than in the former rule, the party to suit is required to make an application before the court whereas, in the latter, the court itself (suo-motu) asks the other party to produce documents. No application of the discovery of the document is required to be made by the party in the latter case. And, if the party to whom the court on its own motion orders for production of documents, fails to produce them, then in such case, the court makes an adverse presumption against such party for not producing the documents.

Note : Above information is in general form, issued with a motive to help. Author disowns any kind of liability.

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