Article written by Advocate Alpa Jogi on Limitation Act 1963
The law of limitation finds its root in the maxim “vigilantibus non dormientibus Jura subveniunt” which means the law will assist only those who are vigilant with their rights and not those who sleep upon it. The law of limitation specifies the statutory time frame within which a person may initiate a legal proceeding or a legal action can be brought. If a suit is filed after the expiry of the time prescribed it will be barred by the Limitation. It means that a suit brought before the Court after the expiry of the time within which a legal proceeding should’ve been initiated will be restricted.
The Law of limitation prescribes a time period within which a right can be enforced in a Court of Law. The time period for various suits has been provided in the schedule of the Act. The main purpose of this Act is to prevent litigation from being dragged for a long time and quick disposal of cases which leads to effective litigation. As per the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, provisions of the Limitation Act will now apply to the whole of India. The Limitation Act, 1963 contains provisions relating to the computation of time for the period of limitation, condonation of delay, etc. The Limitation Act contains 32 sections and 137 articles and the articles are divided into 10 parts.
Section 3 lays down the general rule that if any suit, appeal or application is brought before the Court after the expiry of the prescribed time then the court shall dismiss such suit, appeal or application as time-barred. The time from which period of limitation begins to run depends upon the subject matter of the case and a specific starting point of such period is provided extensively by the Schedule in the Act.
Note : Above information is in general form, issued with a motive to help. Author disowns any kind of liability.
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