FAQs answered by Advocate Alpa Jogi in a simple and understandable language
(1) How to obtain a Divorce?
Divorce can be obtained from the Court of competent Jurisdiction in two ways. First being the Divorce by mutual consent and second being the Contested Divorce.
(2) What is Divorce by mutual Consent?
When the Husband and the Wife both are ready for a Divorce and file a joint petition in the court of appropriate jurisdiction to obtain a Divorce Decree than such is called Divorce by Mutual Consent.
(3) What is Contested Divorce?
When either of the Husband or the Wife is not ready for a Divorce than the other spouse willing for a Divorce is required to file a petition in the court of appropriate jurisdiction based on any grounds of the Divorce as mentioned in the personal Laws. Divorce so obtained is called a Contested Divorce.
(4) How much time does it take to obtain a Divorce?
There is no fixed time limit defined for the purpose of the Divorce and it completely depends upon the circumstances. But it can be expected that Divorce by Mutual Consent takes relatively less time as compared to Contested Divorce.
(5) How much fees does an Advocate Charge for a Divorce Case?
Fees varies from Advocate to Advocate based on their epertise and experience in the matter. Hence, there cannot be any fixed fees that an Advocate would be expected to charge from the client, as it varies from Advocate to Advocate. But again it can be expected that Fees for Divorce by Mutual Consent will be relatively less time as compared to the Fees for Contested Divorce.
(6) Where can a Divorce Petition be filled?
Divorce petition can be filled at the place where marriage was solemnized or at the place where the husband and the wife last resided together or at the place where a respondend resides or if the petitioner is wife than at the place where she is presently residing.
(7) What are the grounds for Divorce?
The grounds for divorce are different under different personal laws. Some of the Grounds for obtaining a divorce under Hindu Marriage Act are Cruelty, Adultery, Desertion, Conversion to another religion, incurable unsound mind etc.
(8) Can Divorce be filed before completion of 1 year period of marriage?
As per Hindu Marriage Act, no Divorce petition can be presented before completion of one year of marriage. Hence, even if both husband and wife are ready for a Divorce, a petion for the same cannot be filled before completion of one year of marriage period.
(9) Is cooling period of 6 months compulsory for mutual Divorce?
As per recent judgement from Honourable Supreme Court of India, the six months period in case of mutual Divorce can be waived off, if the honourable court is of opinion that such period will only increase the harships of the petitioners.
(10) Is Divorce obtained on stamp paper valid?
A Husband and wife married according to the Hindu Marriage Act can obtain a Divorce only through the Court of Competent Jurisdiction. Divorce obtained on stamp paper/Divorce Agreement/Customary Divorce etc are not acceptable. However, there are some Judgements of Honourable Gujarat High Court where customary Divorce has been recognised for certain sector of the society.
(11) Is working wife eligible to get maitnenance from her husband under Section 125 of CrPC?
If the working wife is not able to maintain herself with the status in which she was living with her husband during her married life, than she is eligible to get the maitenance from her husband.
(12) My husband is earning Rs 1 Lac per month. How much maitenance am I elgible to get as a divorcee wife under Section 125 of CrPC ?
There is no fixed formula based on which the maintenance is passed by the Honourable Court. Amount of monthly maitenance is decided by Honourable Court based on many factors such as liabilities of the husband, number of dependent family members on the husband, age of marriage etc. Considering all this factors, a monthly maitenance amount will be passed.
(13) For Maintenance/Alimony case, will the Court order for monthly maitenance or one time maintenance amount?
Under Section 125 of CrPC, Honourable Court will order the Husband to pay a monthly maintenance/alimony as it may deem fit based on the facts of the case. The said amount includes Daily expenses, Housing expenses, Medical expenses etc and no further separate amount shall be payable by the Husband.
(14) Can wife ask for monthly maitenance even if she has accepted one time settlement amount as maitenance?
No, wife cannot ask for monthly maintenance if she has accepted an one time settlement amount. However, in such cases it is to be ascertained that one condition of "renouncing all her maitenance rights under all the laws" is mentioned in the mutual Divorce petetion and also it should be requested to the Honourable Court to mention the same while passing the divorce decree.
(15) Till what time is the husband liable to pay maintenance amount under Section 125 of CrPC?
The husband is liable to pay the maintenance amount till the life time of the wife or till the wife gets remarried.
(16) Are the Minor Children staying with their mother eligible to claim maintenance from their father?
Yes. Minor Children whose custody is with the wife are elgible to claim maintenance from their father. In such cases the mother of the children can act as their gurdian and file a petition under Section 125 of CrPC for claiming the maintenance from her husband. Also, it is pertinent to note that Honourable Court will order the husband to pay the maintenance only till the time, the children attains the age of 18 years.
(17) Can the maintenance amount passed under Section 125 of CrPC be revised?
Yes. If there is substantial change in the circumstances than the maintenance amount passed under Section 125 of CrPC can be increased or decreased. For this an application under Section 127 of CrPC may be made to the Court of Competent Jurisdiction.
(18) What is the remedy available if the husband is not paying the maitenance amount passed under Section 125 of CrPC to the wife?
If the husband is not paying the maintenance amount passed under Section 125 of CrpC, than wife can make an application to the Court under Section 125 Sub Section 3 of the CrPC.
(19) Can the Husband be sent to imprisonment if he does not pay the maintenance amount?
Yes. The husband can be sent to the imprisonment by the Court if he, without sufficient cause, fails to comply with the order of maitntenance passed by the Court.
(20) When can Maintenance be rejected to a wife?
A wife living in adultery or who has left the company of the husband without valid reason or who is living seperately from her husband with mutual consent or if she has remarried than in such cases the maintenance to a wife is rejected.
(21) My Husband is doing Domestic Violence on me. What can I do?
A complaint can be filled to the competent Court or complaint can be filled to the Protection Office under Protection of Women from the DOmestic Violence Act 2005.
(22) Can complaint of old Domestic Violence incendence be made at present date?
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 does not bar a victim from filling such old incident. Hence, complaint may be made an it may be left on the Honourable Court to decide about the same.
(23) Who can make an application to the Magistrate about the Domestic Violence incendence?
An aggrieved person or a Protection Officer or any other person on behalf of the aggrieved person may present an application to the Magistrate seeking one or more reliefs under The Protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act 2005.
(24) Against whom the complaint about Domestic Violence can be filled?
The complaint about the Domestic Violence can be made against a person who is in the domestic relationship with the agrrieved person
(25) My Husband is just Abusing me verbally without committing any physical Violence to me. Can I file a complaint against him under The protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act?
As per the definition of Domestic Violence provided under Section 3 of the Act, Verbal and emotional abuse is also a sort of Violence and hence same is covered under the Act.
(26) My Husband is sexually Abusing me. Can I file a complaint against him under The protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act?
As per the definition of Domestic Violence provided under Section 3 of the Act, Sexual abuse is also a sort of Violence and hence same is covered under the Act.
(27) My Husband is not allowing me to the job thereby preventing me from earning. Can I file a complaint against him under The protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act?
As per the definition of Domestic Violence provided under Section 3 of the Act, Economic abuse is also a sort of Violence and hence same is covered under the Act.